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Old 04-11-2020, 06:38 PM   #2
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 597
Check the tire pressure.
Put it on center stand and raise the front wheel. Spin free?
Wiggle both wheels, and slop or strange movement?
Front tire look ok overall?
With front wheel off the ground, any movement/looseness in the headset?
Move bars forward/backward and lift each side up and push down.
On center stand, spin the rear wheel same as above.
There is a slight chance the front tire has a "flat spot" if its been sitting for any length of time. Cars will have it happen, but I dont recall seeing it happen on scooters.
Has the scooter been wreaked/crashed? I've seen dings in rims before and they will cause a shake. Bent forks will cause weird handling also.
If the front wheel spins "tight" without the brake being applied, its possible the front brake caliper is dragging on the rotor, and the rotor is warped.
Seen people ride on the very back of the seat and that will cause strange handling.
Good luck and share your findings.
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