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Old 04-30-2021, 11:36 PM   #10
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 597
Good call on the exhaust being blocked kz! I ran over a big rock (how is unimportant) and dented my down pipe under my Buddy 125. It killed my power so fast! I luckily found a used exhaust for a great price.

And intake leaks, Honda Helix was famous for intake leaks until Honda put a brace on the carb. Mine mainly backfired, virtually no power loss.

You can also start the scooter and spray all the hoses with starting fluid and see if the RPMs change. My old Toyota had a fun to find air leak under the intake/fuel rail. I NEVER would have found it without the starter fluid trick. Pain in the butt to fix as well!
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