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Old 10-20-2021, 09:48 AM   #2
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 546
You seem to be doing a pretty good job so far. Regular oil changes and valve checks per service manual are the main thing. Some people suggest flushing out the original brake fluid with something better quality. That's a bit much in my opinion. I wash my scooter once a month. Give it a detailed bath and go over it with some spray-on wax. Its gotta look good as well. Especially the wheels, I hate dirty wheels! Cleaning helps you notice things and keep a look out for leaks and/or suspicious stains.

My scooter is my main transportation. Longest it sits is a week.
Tire pressure checked every Monday.
Oil every 3000 miles. Oil filter every odd number change.
Valve check per service manual.
Above bath schedule.
Reduction box oil when valves are done.
Might do brake fluid. At just under 20,000 miles right now.
Front wheel bearings checked whenever wheel is off of scooter.
I run a bit off Techtron Fuel system cleaner when I do the oil filter change.
Transmission overhaul every 6000 miles. Belt, rollers, v-slides, Check springs, grease torque driver.
Lube center stand.
Lube key holes with dry lube.
I'm sure I forgot to mention something......
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