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Old 02-01-2013, 01:25 AM   #6
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
The big brands use fuel injection, that means higher torque/hp, and better MPG.
For reference, the Sport city 125 has 11HP, that's exactly 3x more than my chinese 50cc (which has 3.3HP).

I just noticed the 125 sportcity has ~65MPG, not 95. The 95MPG is for the 50cc.

Another thing with the Aprilia's is that finding aftermarket parts is harder (like, eg: if I want to raise top speed, I should install a larger gear, but don't even know where to begin looking for it).

The good thing is, that at least my dealer fixes those aprilia's, and does maintenance on them.

I know that the PCX150 is a lot better.. I'm still looking around.
I was just a bit disilusioned in the price for chinese 150cc bikes. On the website they show an excellent price of $599, but if you add the mandatory insurance, shipping charges, taxes, etc... you end up paying just under $1000. That's almost twice the price as promoted online!
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