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Old 10-27-2013, 09:10 PM   #3
qwertydude   qwertydude is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 139
BBK and rejet the carb is the only real way to get significant power gains. The rest of your speed is mostly determined by getting the power to the ground effectively which means CVT upgrades. CVT and BBK upgrades are all you'd realistically need to do to get the most speed for the least money. And after that you're talking investing a lot more money, likely enough to get you a 250cc in the first place, for not much increase in performance and a big hit in reliability and longevity which the 250cc will at least give you.

Not to mention keep bolting on performance stuff and the engine will likely guzzle more gas than a 250cc scooter because tuning the crap out of an engine to get performance ALWAYS takes a bigger hit to mpg than just getting a less stressed engine in the first place capable of making the power reliably. This is best shown with two italian scooters which don't get the ultra modded treatment. In this case the Piaggio Fly 150 and the Scarabeo 250. Both get right around 60 mpg the Scarabeo manages to get the same mpg because the engine is not as wound up and stressed so it actually uses less fuel.

CDI, intake and exhaust put together don't even give you the power gains from a BBK. But the engine already is being pushed to the limit. The GY6 design is naturally a 125cc design so we're technically already on the BBK size range for the crank. Increasing the power will dramatically shorten engine life.

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