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Old 01-26-2013, 05:39 AM   #21
rockynv   rockynv is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 24
Originally Posted by danno711 View Post
I wonder if it gives them some sense of authority over the person they're speaking with, or perhaps some sort of security? But, I'm with you, if someone uses that type of language in my presence however my respect for them as a person and for what their saying will indeed start melting away.
It is a form of domination or assault used in an attempt to be emphatic akin to poking or slapping someone. In person people who do not know me refer to me as the "scary guy" as it is, so I try to tone it down to begin with. I can emphasize my point without profanity or physically assaulting someone.

Goes back to how my Dad was too. Most people with a father born in 1906 are in their 80's now and not their late 50's early 60's so my upbringing was a generation or two behind most people my age. He hated violence and to him swearing was just a form of violent behavior against those around you so he really drilled that into us. He did not want us to grow old with regrets due to resorting to violence of any kind. He really regretted having killed so many people in his past and he did not want us to come anywhere close to that even in our speech.

I have mentioned this in the past but for those unfamiliar: During WWII out in the South Pacific he was raiding Japanese held islands by himself and had to neutralize 10 to 20 men a day with a hand held bayonet, hatchett or his bare hands on covert deployments that lasted from 30 to 120 days. Having done that and realizing that he still possesed those skills added to his resolve to avoid conduct that could lead to any further violence in his life or ours. At age 97 he would tell us that he could still see their eyes every time he went to sleep and that there were too many to count. The total days of deployment he had as a raider came to around 300 so the count of nightime visitors that he had when he slept was in the thousands which was a lot of weight for him to carry all those years.

I hope nobody here ever has to live with similar regrets even if it is just from the look of disapointment that comes when they cut loose on somone with profane violent speech.
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