I've ended up with three carbs: The original one from the factory, plus two I bought online trying to fix the problem. Going back to where this all began, the diaphragm in the original carb went bad back in January. I swapped out the carb with a new one, which made it run again but things were never 100% after that. I don't remember what all transpired after that, but I ended up buying a third carb and at some point started swapping parts around trying to make it run right. Somehow I ended up with the original carb back in the scooter with the diaphragm out of another carb. But last night I took a notion to swap things out again. The first carb I tried wouldn't work at all. It just filled with fuel and smoked out the tailpipe with every cycle trying to start. So I tried the other one and suddenly this thing started running better than it has since January! These are all the cheap $35 carbs like the one that came from the factory (but with working IAM screws unlike the original). I might consider upgrading the carb now?